The widespreading canopy provides great shade in the summer and beautiful bronze coloring in the fall. Beech populations are higher on coarse textured, dry to mesic soils in the northern part of its range 2,41. Fagus grandifolia, the american beech or north american beech, is the species of beech tree native to the eastern united states and extreme southeast canada. The leaf is ovoid, dark red and the leaf margin is slightly serrate. Images of the american beech fagus grandifolia, including photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, seed, petiole, bark, and tree. Due to their smooth bark, beech trees were favorites of early surveyors for marking as witness trees, and the bark of many beech trees has been carved with initials. Identifying your chestnut tree the american chestnut foundation. Beech wood is known as the mother of the forest because other hardwoods in mixed, broad leaved forests would to struggle to survive without it. American beech, easily recognized from a distance by its smooth, steelgray bark and tapering surface roots at the base of its trunk, is present throughout all of ohio. Handsome foliage develops a golden bronze color in the fall.
American beech the wood database lumber identification. The flowers are small and singlesexed monoecious and the female flowers are borne in pairs. The leaves are dark green and leathery as in the european beech. The american beech fagus grandifolia is a large, deciduous tree that grows in the adirondack mountains and flourishes in welldrained areas of the vic, often near sugar maples. Cryptococcus wooly beech scale attacks the tree and opens wounds invaded by the fungus nectria. The american beech can be expected to grow in the zones shown in color in the zone map. American beech needs a loose, acid soil which is welldrained yet can retain enough moisture for its shallow root system. And if you need a more comprehensive collection of leaf types, make sure to check out the book of leaves. American beech trees branching pattern, with its impressive density and horizontal orientation, is one of its great features. The fungus that invades after scale feeding forms red, pimplelike fruiting structures in the cankers.
Beech, also known as fagus is a genus that includes ten species of deciduous trees, which belong to the family fagaceae. Control the disease by controlling the scale with a horticultural oil. Most evergreens have needles or scales, while most broadleaf trees are deciduous, meaning they drop their leaves when dormant. American beech fagus grandifolia the american beech is easily recognized even in dense, complex forests by its thin, smooth, light gray bark. The genus name fagus is latin for beech, and the specific epithet grandifolia comes from grandis large and folium leaf. American beech friends of the louisiana state arboretum. American beech the massive trunk has beautiful silver gray bark. The deciduous darkgreen leaves are alternately arranged, turn coppercolored in the fall and remain on the branches for most of the winter. White wooly specks observed on the bark in august are wooly beech scales. Dont forget to bookmark the entire slideshow of all 76 leaves there are too many to fit into one post. Beech grows faster in canopy openings and eventually ascends into the overstory 1,8. It is the only native species of beech which grows in north america. Larch has green needles that turn color in fall and.
Leaves typically hang on well into the winter months adding to the seasonal interest. Plant database lady bird johnson wildflower center. Seeds are eaten by a variety of birds and mammals, especially black bear, ducks and deer. As the latin name grandiflora indicates, the tree has elliptical leaves that are large for the. When fire is absent or of low frequency, beech frequently becomes a dominant species in mixed deciduous forests. Before the glacial period, beech trees flourished over most of north america. European beech fagus sylvatica this is the most common beech tree across the world. Unlike most other hardwood trees, the american beech retains this smooth bark throughout its mature years. Hundreds of cultivars of american holly have been developed and hybridized over the years, providing variety of form, leaf characteristics, and fruit color. Fagus grandifolia american beech page 4 beech bark disease occurs when the feeding site of woolly beech scale is invaded by a fungus. The species that is widely found in north america is known as american beech or fagus grandifolia. It is a lowbranched tree with its mature trunk ranging from 23 in diameter. The american beech can live for three hundred to four hundred years and can reach heights of. Online plant guide fagus grandifolia american beech.
Adaptable but prefers rich soils that are welldrained, constant moisture. A slowgrowing native of eastern north america, the tree can grow to about 100 feet tall, often with a nearly equal spread. Its exceptionally smooth, light gray bark makes the american beech stand out in any forest. The leaf margin is serrated and the leaf arrangement is alternate. The leaf of the beech is very slit and on the upper side glossy dark green. Its exceptionally smooth, light gray bark makes the american beech stand out in. Planting notes fibrous root system makes transplanting less of a problem than with american beech. If your tree lookes like this, then it is probably a beech tree. American holly foliage thins during drought but insect and disease infestations are usually minimal. In early spring new leaves emerge from buds as feathery tassels. How to identify common north american trees by leaf. Select plants that have balled and burlapped roots. The leaves are oblong to oval and are about 10 cm 3. Functions suggested uses for this plant include specimen plant, hedge, and shade.
The leaf is wider and shorter than the american chestnut tree leaves. It is a large deciduous tree typically growing to 5080 less frequently to 120 tall with a dense, uprightoval to roundedspreading crown. Thin, smooth, and light gray throughout even on trees with large diameters. The formal and stately american beech holds a special place in many hearts. Usually most common reactions from this related species include eye, skin, and respiratory irritation.
The american beech tree is a deciduous plant, belonging to the same family fagaceae that also contains its european fagus sylvatica and asian fagus crenata cousins. In hilly locations, it was the home for migrating passenger pigeons who were so numerous that they broke off the limbs of the trees from. American beech, white beech, red beech, ridge beech, beechnut tree fagaceae beech family synonyms. This unique beech tree, was carved in august 1865 had all the names of every us president from washington to lincoln. Beech trees are native to the temperate regions of europe, asia, and north america. The american beech fagus grandifolia lends its striking height and massive spread each measuring about 50 to 60 feet at maturity to landscapes in u. American beech is a climax species that grows slowly underneath an overstory of conifers or hardwoods. New leaves emerge reddishpurple, changing to dark green, then turn yellow to orangered in the fall, offering a kaleidoscope of color throughout the year.
American beech is a distinctive and elegant forest tree in kentucky and throughout eastern north america. Both are economically important timber trees and are often planted as ornamentals in europe and north america. This disease was first discovered in lake county, ohio in 2012 and has now spread to. The copper beech, for example, has deep red or purple leaves that turn lighter in the fall. The leaves of beech trees are alternate with entire or sparsely toothed leaf margins with straight parallel veins and on short stalks.
Learning the unique features of each leaf type will help you in distinguishing them. Sugar maples and american beech trees are the two dominant trees of the northern hardwood forest, often found growing together. Fagus grandifolia american beech environmental horticulture. Beech trees are monoecious, producing both male and female flowers on one tree. Beech leaf disease is a disease spread by the newly discovered nematode, litylenchus crenatae mccannii. If your tree has leaves like this, it is probably a horsechestnut tree. Oak tree leaf identification has never been easier than. These trees have toothed leaves, and smooth gray bark. In north america, all beech trees have green leaves.
Here are are the first 20 different types of leaves with their names, pictures, and information. The fungus kills the bark and in the process, the insects. Copper beech fagus sylvatica purpurea or fagus sylvatica f. Some varieties in europe have yellow, purple, or mixed coloring.
Beech leaves are toothed, with sharp, incurved teeth around the margins. The disease is actually an interaction between the beech scale a nonnative insect and either one of two nectria fungi. The slightly zigzagged twigs have long, pointed, scaly, brown leaf buds said to resemble a hand rolled cigar. Provided by usda nrcs wetland science institute wsi. American beech is the only member of the genus fagus native to north america. The american beech is notable for its smooth, gray bark.
Beech suckers readily, so a mother tree may be surrounded by dozens of its identical offspring saplings. Oak tree leaf identification can be a very interesting hobby. American beech is less demanding than sugar maple and can also be found. Aug 15, 2018 the american beech fagus grandifolia is a large, deciduous tree that grows in northern hardwood forests in the adirondack mountains of upstate new york. It holds on to its toothed, goldenbrown leaves very late into the winter. The root zone should be free of compaction and grass competition. This tree is a favorite of children and teenagers who love to carve their initials onto its large smooth trunks. Tree identification the american chestnut foundation. Department of agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10 which eliminates all of the european varieties. Five common varieties of beech trees american beech fagus grandifolia this is the only beech species that is an original native. Beech is included in 20 forest cover types and is a major component in the following three 5.
The leaf size is greater than that on most types of beech trees, thus the species name which is latin for largeleaved. Alternate, simple, elliptical to oblongovate, 2 12 to 5 12 inches long, pinnatelyveined, 1114 pairs of veins, with each vein ending in a sharp distinct tooth, shiny green above, very waxy and smooth, slightly paler below. Sugar maple beech yellow birch society of american foresters type 25, red sprucesugar maple beech type 31, and beech sugar maple type 60. Although there is no confirmed safety data on american beech, the closely related european beech fagus sylvatica has been reported as a sensitizer. An american beech, called the presidents tree of tacoma park, maryland, unfortunately was blown down in a storm in 1997. The american beech is now confined to the eastern united states. L48 n, can american beech is a sturdy, imposing tree, 5080 ft. Oct 10, 2019 the american beech fagus grandifolia is the only species of beech tree native to north america but one of the most common. The male flowers are borne on globose heads hanging from a slender stalk, produced in spring shortly after the new leaves appear. Leaf identification typethe starting point for most people when identifying trees species is the leaves.
The american beech falls into the following type s. A sturdy, densely canopied tree, the american beech was a sign of fertile soil to early settlers and was quickly removed so the plow could take over and farming for food could commence. The american beech fagus grandifolia, native to eastern north america, and the european beech f. Thin bark renders american beech highly vulnerable to injury by fire. The american beech is also known as north american beech. The american hornbeam is a native forest understory tree in the chicago area, making it useful for shady landscapes and naturalized or woodland gardens. Early american colonists even used the leaves to stuff mattresses.
Fagus grandifolia, the american beech or north american beech, is the species of beech tree. Sugar maplebeechyellow birch society of american foresters type 25, red sprucesugar maplebeech type 31, and beechsugar maple type 60. The transition from an open firedominated forest to a closed canopy deciduous forest favors the beechmagnolia. Beech bark disease is a fungal infection that attacks the american beech through damage caused by scale insects. Beech leaves are typically oblong or oval and medium to dark, glossy green. Fagus grandifolia, commonly called american beech, is native to eastern north america. Leafsnap is an electronic field guide for tree and plant species in new york city and washington, dc. This is the only beech species that is an original native to north america. It is a versatile tree, often used in parks, golf courses, acreages, and the forestry industry. American beech is native to eastern north america and is a large deciduous tree typically growing to 6080 tall or more with a dense, uprightoval to a roundedspreading crown. Plants profile for fagus grandifolia american beech.
Beech bark disease bbd has been killing american beech fagus grandifolia trees in the eastern united states since the 1930s. American beech is a large, graceful native tree, excellent for large, parklike landscapes where it has room to spread its wide, lowgrowing branches. Oak tree leaf identification has never been easier than this. The american beech is a common tree found in the forests and woods of eastern part of the united states. Fagus grandifolia american beech, beech north carolina. The american beech fagus grandifolia is the only species of beech tree native to north america but one of the most common. This tree features a smooth, gray bark and nuts with a high oil content that are a good source of food for many species of wildlife, including bears, squirrels, wild turkeys and grouse. Fagus americana, fagus ferruginea, fagus grandifolia ssp. But enthusiasts of native plants in north america will want to grow the plant. The american beech grows to be 50 70 feet in height. The species that is widely found in north america is known as american beech or fagus grandifolia the american beech is a common tree found in the forests and woods of eastern.
The american beech fagus grandifolia is a large, deciduous tree that grows in northern hardwood forests in the adirondack mountains of upstate new york. The european is the most popular version in the west, even in north america, due, in part, to its diverse and eyepopping cultivars. Beech if your tree looks like this, then it is probably a beech tree. See the articles wood allergies and toxicity and wood dust safety for. Come fall and the oak tree foliage lights up the landscape with its brightly colored leaves.
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